We are truly in an era of progress with respect to ataxia. Watching the search for a cure can be very frustrating, and it can sometimes seem like the cure may never really arrive, but the last few years have shown that we WILL find a treatment and a cure! As a result of funding from FARA, NAF, MDA, and others, the disorder has become much better understood and several drugs are now in different stages of trials.

Instead of trying to describe the research activities here, we'll provide a few links to other sites that discuss the great progress that is now being made. These sites will open in a new browser window.

We strongly encourage you to enroll in the appropriate patient registries! A list of registries and how to enroll can be found at the NAF Patient Registry and the FARA Patient Registry. The registries are used by FARA, NAF, and other organizations to collect basic information on indiviudals with ataxia and to facilitate clinical trials, getting us all closer to treatments. Many of us have already helped further the effort by taking part in these clinical trials, and the pace of the progress right now means that they are always looking for more volunteers, so please sign up!

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